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Because Existence is perfect, we live to be able to experience its lights and shadows. Well, let us recognize such a glorious Art;...move, travel, contemplate...admire, here and there. Yes, beauty is inside and outside, make art of yourself. We are what we nourish ourselves with, so we must consume art as spiritual food.       Luis Francisco (LufranArt / lufran.art), multidisciplinary creator with a humanistic tendency: Photographer, writer, audiovisual producer...As well, promoter for social, cultural, and artistic initiatives.

_To place an order, request information, or if you want to collaborate with lufran.art, write to the following email: info@lufran.art.

Descripción de la imagen

From Canary Islands to the World.        Lufran.art © All rights reserved. Permission is only granted to share details of the exposed work, as a sample and without exercising an abusive use of it; without alterations or modifications, speculative claims or any type of commercial aspirations; nor as a reason for criticism, irony or actions that threaten individual or collective dignity; only under strictly positive and informative purposes, within the educational, cultural and artistic field; as long as a visible and clear reference to the authorship is shown, granting the appropriate credit.
